

Almost 20% of our employees, managers, and all of our owners are Humboldt natives, with loads of passion for the County and its historic community.

Highline - Humboldt, CA

Our original facility is located mid-way between the more populous northern Humboldt cities of Eureka and Arcata and rural Southern Humboldt, where this legendary county truly gained its reputation for cannabis. We are situated near and have ties to the Avenue of the Giants, the Lost Coast and Shelter Cove, the Mateel Community Center in Southern Humboldt, and Arcata Plaza/ Humboldt State University to the north.

We’ve been drawn to Humboldt County’s rural way of life and endless, vibrant farmland for generations. There’s nothing better than getting lost in the trees or relaxing out at a secluded beach. Though this area has provided rich farm and lumber land since the 1850s, cannabis cultivation took root with the back-to-the-landers moving to Southern Humboldt in the 1960s, and again as a result of the War on Drugs in the 1980s.

Almost 20% of our employees, managers—including facility General Manager, Jeremy Centeno—and all of our owners are Humboldt natives, with loads of passion for the County and its historic community. Most of us spend a lot of time at the river during the summer (traversing Eel River, Mad River, and Trinity River), at the beach (Shelter Cove, Trinidad), or out in the many trails and campgrounds either hiking or camping. We are Humboldt people, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

A few facility-specific highlights:

  • Our quality control procedures set us apart, starting at the mother plants through to hand sorting every clone to guarantee roots.

  • Our facilities operate and provide clones year-round.

  • Teen clones are available seasonally and based on demand.

  • We produce a lot in the summer but can produce for orders outside peak teen months.

  • We employ rigorous sanitation protocols in every process and employ thorough testing procedures to monitor plant health.

  • We dedicate a fair amount of labor and resources to these practices and in our quality control practices.

Like what you see?

Feel free to give us a ring 707.617.2505